Savoring Savings: A Quick Guide to Budget-Friendly Freezer Meals

Finding ways to save time and money in the kitchen is a priority for many. One powerful strategy that combines convenience and budget-friendliness is the art of freezer meals. By investing a little time upfront, you can reap the benefits of delicious, homemade dishes without breaking the bank.


This year I knew I wanted to figure out a way to save some money on groceries. Like so many, this is my biggest weekly/monthly expense. I struggle to budget my grocery spending, to plan my meals, to use what we have, and to stick to my lists.

Recently I found a website,, that I am really enjoying. I haven’t yet signed up for their pro membership, but I am sure if I can continue the freezer meal prep I will.

 I came across them on Facebook in an ad for a free class with a grocery list as well. The class was for 12 freezer meals with items from Sams Club. You end up tripling the meals so it is 4 meals 3 times. I was a bit nervous because…what if we didn’t like it. My family isn’t picky perse, but I don’t want to make a meal 3 times if it won’t be eaten.

After shopping the grocery list I spent under $150, that in itself was AMAZING! In about 2 hours I had prepped 12 meals for the freezer and we have tried each and so far so good. We have 8 more to rotate through.

If you would like to try this out for yourself, HERE is the direct link. (I am not affiliated with thefamilyfreezer)


I have been working on my kitchen confidence. Some people can whip up something out of nothing, I’m not quite there. I like recipes and I like simple. The idea of some simple freezer breakfasts sounded appealing and they seemed to turn out pretty well. Below you will find the process I took to stock my freezer with 4 types of breakfast items.

Let me tell you, having these breakfast items in my freezer has been a game changer! Between my own family and my in-home daycare, breakfast is always a struggle. It’s also so incredibly important that all these growing kiddos eat well to start their day! We had been in a toast or cereal slump. The occasional honey bun was thrown in there as well.

Our mornings go fast. We have 45 minutes from daycare starting to loading up the van to bring kids to school. That doesn’t mean I have 45 minutes to cook. I am welcoming all the kiddos who arrive, hopefully in a happy mood. Getting my own children ready for the day, possibly changing a diaper if someone decides to sneak that in. I don’t really want to wake up earlier or be cooking when I could be helping my children or talking with my husband for a few moments.

I’m sure so many can relate to this, you don’t have to have an in-home daycare to have a busy morning. Heck you could live alone and still want an easier process for your morning.

plate of cooked bread


I grew up with these often prepped and ready to go in the freezer. They lasted only a couple days because they were an absolute favorite.

What you need:

  • 24 english muffins
  • 2 dozen eggs
  • 24 cheese slices
  • Meat choices
    • I made half sausage patties half Canadian bacon but you could do bacon, omit the meat, vegetables.


This process tends to be done all at the same time

  1. Start by prepping the eggs. Prepare anyway you like. The most recent time I made this I sprayed a muffin pan to make 12 at a time. 350 degrees for about 20 minutes. This was quick and they cooked well, the problem is the eggs are slightly too small and too thick. Try with a jumbo muffin pan, cook in the microwave with a bowl base about the size of your English muffins. Spray bowl, add egg to bowl and mix slightly, cover with paper towel and cook for approximately 1 minute. Another option is to pan fry eggs.
  2. Toast your English muffins. Add cheese slice to one side when removed from toaster.
  3. Heat up your meat choice. Sausage patties were cooked in the microwave until warm and I left the canadian bacon uncooked as it basically comes like lunch meat.
  4. Assemble. Add your meat and egg to your English muffin with cheese slice and stack together.
  5. Let cool completely.
  6. Put in freezer bags, remove all air, then into freezer

To reheat:

Remove from freezer bag and place on a plate. Heat for approximately 1 minute. If making eggs in regular size muffin tin you may need to remove your egg after 1 minute and cook egg alone for another 30 seconds. Wrap English muffin in damp paper towel if your muffin gets hard.

a plate of food

            -Breakfast Burrito-

One day after making my 12 freezer meals and finally sitting down my husband says “you should make those breakfast burritos for the freezer too.” Yeah not today buddy. After a week I decided to give it a try. I looked up a few recipes and finally decided to wing it…🤞🏻

These seemed pretty fool proof though.

What you need:

  • Soft tortillas I bought 2 medium size 10 packs.
  • 1 dozen eggs
  • Bacon
  • 1lb ground sausage
  • Shredded cheddar cheese
  • Anything else you may want to add. Could get the onion pepper mix in the freezer section. Mushrooms, spinach, different cheeses, different meats, salsa, hot peppers. Whatever your taste


  1. Scramble your eggs (you can add extras to the eggs if you like, onions, mushrooms etc)
  2. Cook meats. Sausage was make on the stove top and crumbled, bacon was cooked on a sheet pan in the oven 400 degrees for 20 minutes. Once cool enough I cut into pieces with my kitchen scissors.
  3. Lay out a few tortillas and add filler. I did about ¼ cup of egg and ¼ cup of meat then sprinkle with cheese or other toppings. Make sure not to over stuff. Smaller tortillas I had to use less filling.
  4. Roll like a burrito. I folded the sides in first then folded over the top and bottom. Lay out on a sheet pan and let cool completely. I put the sheet pan in the freezer for a while hoping the burritos would hold their shape for packaging. They did!
  5. Add to freezer bag and place in your freezer

To reheat:

Remove burrito from freezer bag and place on a microwave safe plate. Wrap in a damp paper towel and cook approximately 1 minute.

cookies with blueberry on side

            -Mini Muffins-

There’s something about those boxes of prepackaged mini muffins that children love, but dang, you get about 5 in the package and spend $5. I have found the cheap bags of muffin mix that cost under $2 work just as well and taste great!

What you need:

  • Mini muffin tin
  • Muffin mix


  1. Spray your mini muffin tin (I skipped the liners for this one)
  2. Make muffins according to package -keep in mind, not all give the option for mini muffins so try and pick one that does if you’re like me and don’t like guessing
  3. Let cool completely then add desired number to a freezer bag.
brown bread on white ceramic plate

-French Toast Sticks-

So this one is pretty cool. Not only because you can make your own French toast sticks, but because you can make them in the oven. I thought this was a nice way to make a whole bunch at one time.

What you need:

  • Your favorite French toast recipe. I’ve always gone pretty simple with eggs, milk and vanilla. My husband adds cinnamon. Use whatever recipe you prefer
  • Loaf of Texas Toast. Texas Toast is thicker and really good. I usually make this with the cheapest toast I can get at the store. In my area that’s about $1.39. The problem with this is it can get crispier if baked too long.


  1. Preheat oven to 350 Degrees F
  2. Lay parchment paper on your baking sheet. Easy clean up!
  3. Slice your toast into thirds
  4. Mix up your ingredients and add your bread into the mixture
  5. Let extra drip off then place on your baking sheet. Repeat.
  6. Bake for about 20 minutes flipping half way through. If using the cheapo bread like I did you may not need as much time.
  7. Once fully cooled, add to a few freezer bags and place in your freezer

To reheat:

Place frozen French toast sticks on a microwave safe plate and cook for approximately 1 minute. Times may vary.

**NOTE** I HAVE FOUND IT IS EASIER IF YOU PLACE ANY OF THE ABOVE ITEMS ON A BAKING SHEET AND PLACE IN THE FREEZER FOR 1-2 HOURS BEFORE PLACING IN A FREEZER BAG. This will ensure items are fully cooled and less chances of them sticking together in your freezer bag.

Tips when getting started

1. **Buy in Bulk and Save**

Buying ingredients in bulk is a fundamental step in creating budget-friendly freezer meals. Look for sales, discounts, or wholesale options for staples like meats, grains, and frozen vegetables. Divide these into portions for individual meals, saving both time and money.

2. **Minimize Food Waste**

Freezer meals are a fantastic way to minimize food waste. Instead of letting perishables go bad, prepare meals in advance and freeze them for later use. Leftover vegetables, cooked meats, and even herbs can find a second life in your freezer-friendly creations. Be sure to find meals to prep with similar ingredients so extra items don’t go to waste in the fridge.

3. **Plan, Prep, and Portion**

Effective planning is key to maximizing your savings with freezer meals. Outline a weekly or monthly meal plan, considering ingredients that can be used across multiple dishes. Spend a designated day prepping and portioning your ingredients, making it easier to assemble meals quickly. Don’t forget to check your own cupboards and freezer for items you may already have on hand. Use what you have first!

4. **Extend Shelf Life with Proper Packaging**

Investing in quality freezer-friendly packaging is essential for preserving the flavors and textures of your meals. Vacuum-sealed bags or airtight containers help prevent freezer burn and maintain the taste and nutritional value of your dishes for an extended period. Make sure items are fully cooled and get that air out!

5. **Take Advantage of Seasonal Produce**

Seasonal produce tends to be more affordable and flavorful. Plan your freezer meals around the availability of in-season fruits and vegetables to enjoy cost-effective, fresh ingredients. You can even buy in bulk during peak seasons and freeze them for later use.

6. **Explore Versatile Recipes**

Choose recipes that utilize versatile ingredients to maximize your savings. Dishes like casseroles, stews, and soups often allow for ingredient substitutions, letting you use what you have on hand without compromising taste.

7. **Cut Down on Takeout Expenses**

Having a freezer stocked with ready-made meals reduces the temptation to order takeout or dine out, saving you significant money over time. It also provides a healthier alternative to many fast-food options.

8. **Batch Cooking for Efficiency**

When preparing freezer meals, consider batch cooking. This involves making larger quantities of a recipe and freezing individual portions. It’s an excellent time-saving strategy, and it ensures you always have a variety of meals on hand.

9. **Track Your Savings**

Finally, keep track of your savings. Compare your grocery bills before and after implementing freezer meals into your routine. You’ll likely be pleasantly surprised by the amount of money you can save over time.

Freezer meals are a game-changer for those looking to save both time and money in the kitchen. By adopting these tips and making freezer meals a regular part of your culinary routine, you can savor the delicious taste of homemade dishes while keeping your budget intact. What are your favorite freezer meal tips and tricks?

Happy freezing!


  1. Love breakfast burritos!! We like ours with salsa. Going to try the English muffins this weekend!! Thanks for the ideas 🙂

    1. mommahasaplan says:

      That’s a great idea! I’ll have to try salsa. Hope you enjoy the English muffin breakfast sandwiches!

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