Fun February Holidays to Celebrate with Kids
February might be short, but it’s packed with opportunities to make some seriously sweet memories with your kids. Beyond Valentine’s Day (which is fun, but let’s face it—kind of predictable), there are loads of quirky, off-the-wall holidays begging for a little celebration. And the best part? These fun mini-celebrations don’t require a ton of planning. Think apple and Nutella snacks, science experiments for battery day, or loving up on puppies for love your pet day.

Black History Month
American Heart Month
1st Saturday of the month -Eat Ice Cream for Breakfast
2nd Sunday of the month -Superbowl Sunday
3rd Monday of the month -President’s Day
February 2
- Play Your Ukulele Day
- Groundhog Day
- This is a great opportunity to teach your littles about groundhogs or shadows!
- Where I live, we will have 6 more weeks of winter no matter what,but consider talking about winter and shadows. Go outside and have your littles see if they can see their own shadows!
- Have a shadow tracing craft day
February 3
- Carrot Cake Day
- Carrot cake is one of my favorites!! I love giving the kiddos a taste of this cake before telling them what kind of cake it is, I’m usually met with “what? that’s called CARROT cake?! … can I have more?” While I will typically head to the store for a premade cake (or yes 100% getting the boxed stuff) head on over to google or this website if you would rather make some from scratch!
February 4
- Thank Your Mailperson Day
- What a spectacular chance to have each of your littles write a little thank you card and stick to the mailbox for your mailperson. Maybe turn carrot cake day into carrot cookie day and add a few goodies to their cards as well. It’s always a good idea to show others we appreciate them and to have the littles we care for join in.
February 5
- National Weatherperson’s Day
- If you haven’t started a check the weather time in your day, this is a fantastic time to start.
- Chocolate Fondue Day
- World Nutella Day
- We love peanut butter and apples for an afternoon snack, but have you tried Nutella and apples? Delicious!!
February 6
- National Chopstick Day
- Consider putting away the forks and give each of your kiddos a set of chopsticks to eat their lunch today.
February 7
- Send A Card To A Friend Day
- Create cards for the kids to decorate and bring home to give to those that are special to them. Make cards and envelopes out of folded paper.
- Laugh And Get Rich Day
- While laughing won’t bring in big bucks, this day is about filling your life with happiness. Spend the day laughing, your positive attitude could rub off on those around you.
February 9
- Toothache Day
- While we don’t really want to celebrate an achy tooth, how about celebrating teeth! Discuss the importance of taking care of your teeth!
- National Pizza Day
- Lunch Idea: toast an english muffin, let your littles add pizza sauce, cheese and pepperoni, stick under the broiler until the cheese melts. This is a fun way to get your littles helping in lunch prep, and yumm!! Pizza!!
February 10
- Umbrella Day
February 11
- Make A Friend Day
- National Guitar Day
- Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk
- This is a great day to remember not to sweat the small stuff and to learn from our mistakes.
February 13
- World Radio Day
- Idea: head to your local thrift shop and see if you can find a radio for a few dollars. Open the radio up and let your littles explore the inner parts of the radio.
February 14
- Valentines Day
- Ferris Wheel Day
- Library Lovers Day
- This would be a fun day to head to your local library and read a story about Valentin’s Day!
February 15
- Gumdrop Day
February 16
- Do A Grouch A Favor Day
- It’s always nice to try and help out someone who may be having a tough day.
February 17
- Random Act Of Kindness Day
- A simple act of goodwill can plant a small seed for a lifelong habit of generosity. (Plus, it feels good!)
February 18
February 19
- Chocolate Mint Day
February 20
- Love Your Pet Day
- Whether you have dogs, cats, gerbils, or fish, take today to love on those furry, feathery, scaly members of your family.
- No pets? Have the littles in your care talk about what their favorite animal pet would be. Draw pictures of what they would look like.
February 21
- National Sticky Bun Day
February 22
- National Wildlife Day (also celebrated on September 4th)
February 23
- International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day
- National Banana Bread Day
- I think this is my favorite February holiday of all. Banana bread or banana muffins make a great breakfast or snack.
February 24
- Tortilla Chip Day
- Lunch idea: how about making nachos for lunch
- This is another great way to get your littles involved by making your own tortilla chips.
February 26
- Pistachio Day
- Tell A Fairy Tale Day
February 27
- International Polar Bear Day
February 29
- Leap Day (every 4 years, 2028, 2032, 2036)
Whether it’s whipping up heart-shaped pancakes, crafting silly groundhog puppets, or spreading kindness with a simple note, these small but meaningful activities make life feel less rushed and way more connected.
So go ahead—pick a holiday (or three!) and celebrate big in your own small way. And when your littles tell you, “This was the best day ever!”—that’s the magic these simple traditions are all about. Which one will you try first? Let the memories begin!