a cup of coffee and some books on a bathtub

February Challenge -SELF CARE- All About You

Ah love. We love love. We love our partners and our children. We love our pets and our parents. We love to help make super fun valentine’s day boxes and we love all the cute Pinterest ideas for Valentine share ideas.

We forget about ourselves. We take the back seat to make sure our littles have everything they need, want. We make cute gooey lovey possibly cringy valentine gifts for our partner and cross our fingers that we get something in return.

Since February is all about love, our February challenge is going to be about loving ourself.

February in 2024 is also a Leap Year so that means one more day ALL.ABOUT.YOU!

Don’t let this overwhelm you, something new every day. If you don’t like something or know you won’t have time (like a super relaxing bubble bath – relaxing – ) swap your days around. If you find something you really loved doing, do it another day! This is all about you!!

The goal? Pick up some habits to continue day to day beyond this challenge. Just because day 7 is about hydration doesn’t mean you only hydrate day 7.

Free workbook download!

Don’t forget to grab your free 22-page workbook to go along with this months challenge

All About You Outline

Day 1-5: Mindful Moments

-It’s okay to take a few moments for yourself.

Day 6-10: Nourish Your Body

-Stay hydrated and prioritize wholesome meals.

Day 11-15: Connect with Loved Ones

– Strengthen connections with family and friends.

– Build a supportive community

Day 16-20: Unwind and Relax

– Create a cozy self-care space at home.

Day 21-25: Embrace Creativity

– Explore your creative side.

-Self-expression is a powerful form of self-care.

Day 26-29: Reflect and Celebrate

– Reflect on your self-care journey.

– Celebrate the progress made and acknowledge moments of joy.

– Continue self-care beyond the challenge.

Day 1-5 Mindful Moments

Day 1: Mindful Morning Ritual

  • Start your day with a few minutes of deep breathing or meditation
  • Focus on the present moment and set positive intentions for the day

Day 2: Gratitude Journaling

  • Gratitude journaling is a practice where individuals regularly express and record things they are thankful for in a journal. It involves reflecting on positive aspects of one’s life, acknowledging and appreciating the good things, both big and small. The goal is to cultivate a mindset of gratitude and shift focus towards the positive aspects of life.
  • Write down three things you are grateful for. Big or small, it doesn’t matter.
  • Continue this journal the rest of the month

Day 3: Nature walk break

  • Take time in your day for a short walk, even just around the block.
  • Walk alone or with a friend
  • Pay attention to nature around

Day 4: Digital Detox Hour

  • Take a one-hour intentional break from screens and social media
  • Take this time to read, draw or listen to music
  • You could use this time to engage in fun activities with your child, ask them what they would like to play.

Day 5: Self-Compassion Exercise

  • Grab your gratitude journal and write down three positive things about yourself
  • Write down three things you today that were successful
  • Be kind to yourself and acknowledge your strengths every day

Day 6-10 Nourish Your Body

white ceramic plate beside gray steel spoon

Day 6: Start your day with a good breakfast

  • Eating breakfast may already be a strength for you, if not. Let’s start. It’s important to fuel your body for the day ahead.
  • If you need some ideas for easy ideas, check out my post on easy freezer meals and check out the section on breakfast ideas.
  • One of my favorite go to breakfasts is 2 eggs with avocado and salsa.

Day 7: Hydration Challenge

  • How much water you should drink a day is very much dependent on who you ask. I’ve read 8-11 cups per day for woman. I’ve read half your weight in oz so for example if you weigh 180lbs you would make sure to drink 90oz per day.
  • Choose your goal, maybe you don’t drink any water and your goal is to start at 20oz. Maybe you want to refill your water bottle 4 times per day or keep it simple and plan to always have your water bottle on hand rather than sodas.
  • If you’re not a fan of plain water, consider looking into an infused water bottle and add fresh fruit for flavor.

Day 8: Mindful Eating Practice

  • If you don’t already, eat dinner as a family. Eat together. Do not dish everyone’s meals then clean up then eat yourself. Eat with your family and enjoy your meal.
  • I struggle sitting down for dinner if the kitchen hasn’t been mostly cleaned up first. Sometimes this results in me eating cold meals or not being finished until long after the rest of my family.
  • Tip 1: clean as you go.
    • Wash pots and pans while other items are cooking
  • Tip 2: Eat family style.
    • As food is ready, put them in the Tupperware they’ll be stored in as leftovers and place on the table for everyone to dish from. Easy cleanup and you can eat together.

Day 9: DIY healthy snacks

  • It is incredibly important to continue to fuel our bodies throughout the day. It’s possible you are snacking all day because of missed meals with the hustle and bustle of mom life, or you’re snacking on whatever you can get your hands on when you have a moment.
  • Some great snack ideas include:
    • Hummus and vegetables
    • Fresh or frozen fruit
    • Nuts and seeds
    • Yogurt
    • Hard boiled eggs
    • Meat cheese and crackers
    • Guacamole with vegetables or tortilla chips
  • Try making your own on the go granola bars

Day 10: Relaxing bedtime routine

  • Sleep is so important but sometimes doesn’t come easy. It’s hard to go to bed when the house is finally quiet. Savor the silence. It’s also hard to fall asleep when our mind is going a millions miles a minute planning tomorrow or next week. Were relaxing by scrolling on our phones or watching the latest episode of our favorite show.
  • Tonight, try something new. At least 30 minutes before bed. Maybe you want to take a bath or a shower. Read a book or work in your gratitude journal.

Day 11-15 Connect with loved ones

person in black long sleeve shirt holding babys feet

Day 11: Virtual Coffee Date

  • Call or facetime a friend or family member while you drink your morning coffee. No time in the morning? How about in the evening over tea?
  • Social connections are so important in self-care.
  • Take the time to connect with someone.

Day 12: Family Game night

  • Self-care doesn’t have to mean you do it all alone. Enjoy a game night with your family. There’s not a lot more important then the bond you have with your family.
  • We love playing multi-player games on the VR, mario party, or one of the miscellaneous board games weve collected over the years. Find an option suitable for all ages or team up with your younger members.
  • Take this time for conversation and laughter.

Day 13: Gratitude call or message

  • Think of someone important in your life and let them know it. Bonus points if it’s another mom you think could use a pick me up (but it doesn’t have to be)
  • Call this person or send them a message expressing your care or appreciation for them.
  • Recently I did this with my group of 3 closest friends. The response was first confusion and wondering if I was okay 8p and ended with a wonderful conversation about our gratitude for each other.

Day 14: Hobby Exploration

  • Today you’re going to try a new hobby or revisit one you’ve tried in the past
  • This could include painting, crafting, learning a musical instrument. Cooking, baking, the sky is the limit!
  • What have you wanted to try or wish you continued doing?
  • I have an office full of yarn, my crochet hooks call me every time I am in there working. I think it’s time to pick it up again!

Day 15: Meet up with friends

  • This is one of my favorite monthly/every other month activities but always one of my most dreaded. Life is busy. There’s a million and one things to do and to take out those few hours is tough! But it’s amazing and it is so needed.
  • Plan a get together with your friend or a friend.
  • Grab coffee or lunch. Walk around the mall or visit for a girls night.

Day 16-20 relax and unwind

pink cup on top of magazine

Day 16: Find your cozy spot

  • Create a space in your home when you can go if you need a moment to yourself. This could be an office or your bedroom.
  • Maybe a warm bath is your spot, make a care kit to bring with you.
  • Take some time to make this space more relaxing for you.

Day 17: Read a book or listen to an audio book

  • Choose a book that you’ve been wanting to read or explore a genre that brings you joy.
  • This would be an amazing time to try out your new relaxing spot from day 16. Or create a cozy reading nook with comfortable pillows and blankets.
  • If time is limited, consider listening to an audiobook while doing a simple, relaxing activity.

Day 18: Creative writing session

  • Use one of the provided prompts or come up with a creative writing session of your own choosing
  • A Mindful Journey:
  • Imagine yourself in a serene and peaceful place. Describe the surroundings, incorporating sensory details such as sounds, scents, and textures.
  • Write about your journey through this calming environment, emphasizing the mindfulness techniques you use to stay present and fully experience each moment.
  • The Calming Colors of Emotion:
  • Assign colors to different emotions (e.g., blue for calm, green for joy, etc.).
  • Write a short story or poem where each scene or emotion is represented by a specific color.
  • Explore how the colors transition and intertwine, creating a narrative that promotes relaxation and emotional awareness.
  • Mindful Observation:
  • Choose an object from your immediate surroundings. It could be something simple like a flower, a candle, or a piece of fruit.
  • Write a detailed description of the object, paying close attention to its appearance, texture, and any emotions or memories it may evoke.
  • Use this exercise to practice mindful observation and appreciation of the present moment.
  • The Misadventures of SuperMom:
  • Imagine you have superhero powers, but they’re all related to parenting and homemaking.
  • Write a short story about a day in the life of “SuperMom,” where you use your unique parenting superpowers to tackle everyday challenges in a hilariously exaggerated way.
  • The Magical Recipe Mishap:
  • Your favorite recipe has a magical twist – every ingredient has a playful or unexpected effect.
  • Write a humorous story about cooking this magical recipe, detailing the comical consequences of each ingredient’s quirky influence.
  • Parenting Haiku Battle:
  • Challenge yourself to write a series of silly haikus about everyday parenting moments.
  • Cover topics like spilled juice, bedtime negotiations, or the mysterious disappearance of socks. Infuse humor into these brief poetic snapshots of mom life.
  • These prompts are designed to bring a smile to your face and offer a playful escape through creative writing. Feel free to let your imagination run wild and have fun with the silliness!

Day 19: Book club

  • Ask friends if they would like to start a book club with you. These can be virtual or in person.
  • Another option is to find a facebook group for book clubs in your area or virtual
  • You can read a self care book, inspirational book, or read something in a genera of your choice.

Day 20: Create a bucket list

  • Sit back and dream. Big or small, what would you like to do.
  • Some ideas include adventures, books you want to read, places you want to visit, foods you want to try.
  • Keep your list somewhere visible

Day 21-25 Embrace Creativity

Day 21: Artistic expression

  • Take time for a creative art project of your choice.
  • This could include coloring, painting, calligraphy, etc.
  • Try things like paint by number or color by number. Use youtube for step by step drawing tutorials

Day 22: Start A Gratitude Jar

  • A gratitude jar is very simple, each day you will write down moments of gratitude and collect them in a jar.
  • “I am grateful for my children and their amazing hugs” “I am grateful for my husband for starting my car every morning” “I am grateful for my friend who continues to invite me out even though I will probably say I can’t”
  • By having this jar available, you can reflect on these positive moments.

Day 23: Listen to a new Podcasts

  • This is one of my favorite things to do when I’m washing the dishes, folding laundry, or making dinner. I love true crime or personal finance and personal growth type podcasts
  • If you have a podcast app on your phone, do a search of a keyword and you will get tons of suggestions on shows for you to listen to.

Day 24: Vision Board Creation

  • You can make a vision board using a program on your computer like Canva, or just like we would make years ago with magazines and markers.
  • Start by brainstorming your vision. Weight loss, vacation, career goals, dream home etc.

Day 25: wear something that makes you feel great

  • Whether or not you dress up each day…or ever. Take this time to try out something new.
  • Straighten or curl your hair, put on some make up, try on a new outfit.

Day 26-29 Reflect and Celebrate

person writing on brown wooden table near white ceramic mug

Day 26: Reflecting on Self-Care Habits:

  • Explore the self-care activities you incorporated during the challenge. What activities resonated with you the most? Which ones felt most nourishing and revitalizing? Reflect on how these activities align with your overall well-being

Day 27: Notable Changes and Discoveries:

  • Identify any notable changes or discoveries you experienced during the self-care challenge. This could include shifts in mood, energy levels, or perspectives. Reflect on what surprised you and whether you uncovered new insights about yourself.

Day 28: Challenges and Overcoming Obstacles:

  • Acknowledge any challenges or obstacles you encountered while participating in the self-care challenge. Reflect on how you navigated these challenges and whether you discovered effective strategies for overcoming barriers to self-care.

Day 29: Future Self-Care Intentions:

  • Consider your self-care journey beyond the challenge. What self-care habits would you like to continue incorporating into your routine? Are there new activities or practices you want to explore further? Reflect on your intentions for ongoing self-care.
woman forming heart with her both hands


Remember that prioritizing your well-being isn’t just a luxury; it’s a necessity. This journey is ongoing. Taking care of yourself enables you to be the best version of yourself for those you love.

Cheers to a renewed sense of balance and well-deserved moments of self-nurturing ahead!

I’d love to know what you enjoyed with the challenge. Is there anything you plan to continue?

pen on you're capable of amazing things spiral notebook

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