10+ Fun and Inexpensive Party Favors That People Will Actually Enjoy

When it comes to party favors, most people think of cheap little trinkets that no one will use. This is because a lot of party favors are just that: cheap and useless. However, there are some great party favors out there that are both fun and inexpensive. In this post, we will discuss 10 fun and affordable party favors that your guests will love!

I am possibly in the minority when it comes to thoughts on party favors, are they necessary? Absolutlely not. Are they fun? They are!

That said, a lot of people would like to do away with party favors all together and I would also be okay with that.

Why can’t the fun party experience be enough?

Did you know…

Did you know that party favors have been a thing for hundreds of years. The tradition started in England and was brought over to the states by early settlers. The idea behind party favors is to thank guests for coming and to give them a little memento of the event.

Some people say that giving out favors at weddings started in Italy during the eighth century. Only the nobility did this at first, but it became popular among all social classes by the end of the 19th century. In the 16th and 17th centuries, bridal couples in England gave love knots composed of lace and ribbons as party favors.

Throughout the decades, the idea has survived. It’s appeared in various forms throughout history in each society.

How Much Should You Spend Per Favor

Wow, this was a shocking, eye-opening search that made me wonder if I was thrifty or cheap. The average seems to be ‘up to $5’ with some people closer to the $10 per kid range. Yikes!

You can get those crappy little goodie bag bundles for about $1-2 per kid. How about something fun for around $2 per kid and end of the day you can be pretty sure the money you spent will actually be used.

Parties can be expensive, why throw away $20 because of tradition.

Ideas that need no theme

Inflatable Playball

Do you ever walk through Walmart and see that big encasement of inflatable playballs? These are about $2 each.

One of my sisters has a summer birthday, growing up we had a super fun ‘kid’ backyard. In ground swimming pool and everything. This was pretty awesome for living way north like we do. My mom was able to score some big inflatable balls for around $3 each. The backyard was full of them.

It looked like an amazing time. Best part, each kid took one on their way out at the end of the party.

boy in blue and white polka dot shirt playing bubbles


My two-year-old loves bubbles. We’ve got three bubble machines and buy the refills in bulk.

Walmart has some great bubble prices. Throw some curling ribbon around these and send one with each guest on their way out the door for a favor under $2 per child.

Celebrations 24 Fl Oz Bubble – Walmart.com

Play Day Bubble Maker Stick Toy with 30 Ounce Bubble Solution, 6 Pack, Multiple Colors – Walmart.com

Coloring Book with Crayons

Years ago this was a favor I put together for my oldest sons birthday party. We went to dollar tree and grabbed a whole bunch of coloring books, crayons, and some curling ribbon. These were a really cute looking favor and the dollar store carries coloring books with all the popular characters.

What the dollar tree does not carry is quality crayons. If you’re thinking ahead, skip the cheep-o crayons and stock up on Crayola at back to school time. I definitely wish I would have done this.

Most Dollar Trees are now $1.25 per item so this favor is getting closer to the $3/child range if you go with these stores. Check your other dollar store options for lower prices.

Off brand lego set

This was another fun favor we did a number of years ago but beware, you will need to prep this months in advance. Have you checked out wish.com? How about the mama app?

These items come from overseas and usually you get what you order but have a plan B just in case. I ordered a dozen or so Pokemon off brand lego sets for a couple dollars a piece. This was a hit. Luckily everything arrived on time and my son didn’t struggle putting them together.

Basket of treats to ‘pick one’

If you’re not sure what to give as a favor or your party is semi competitive, like bowling, how about a basket full of random treats.

Grab a goodie on the way out or pick a prize for the first 3 strikes or spares you get.

Items in your basket could include candy bars, snack size chip bags, giant pens, or card games.

Mini piñata

This has always been a favor I’ve wanted to do but it hasn’t worked out yet. When my oldest son was little we found some little pinata’s at Hobby Lobby. They were about $5 each and at the time I just could not afford it. I waited for a sale but it didn’t happen in time.

Check these out! Fill it up with some candy and you’ve got an adorable and pretty unique little favor. From what I understand, there isn’t a lot of space for treats and you may have to make your own hole to stuff it as they’re more centerpieces then party favors but that’s a small amount of work for something so cute!

Personalized Water Bottle

If you’re a Cricut user, this one is for you! Walmart has pretty decent water bottles for about $1 that you can easily customize. My older daycare girls loved making all kinds of fun water bottles and for $1 plus some vinyl scraps I already had, this was a really fun project and would make an awesome party favor. Caution: Keep these out of direct sunlight, we did have one melt a bit in the hot sun!

If you want a sturdier cup that can withstand some heat and possibly even the dishwasher (top rack only), check out these cups from Amazon. They’re just over $3 each but really good quality.

Themed Party Favors

Pool Party

  • blow up beach ball
  • round blow up float
  • flip flops and sunglasses
  • pool noodles

Construction theme party

  • small excavator and playdough
  • Hard hat and vest
  • bucket and hand shovel

Animal theme party

  • adopt a stuffed pet

Party Favor free party

Sometimes the party itself is more than enough. An activity they do during the party results in something fun to bring home.

Maybe they don’t bring anything home but are getting to enjoy an awesome party!

arcade game station

Arcade Party

Recently my son turned 12. I think it gets increasingly difficult to plan a party for kids as they get older but he was excited to have a party with a group of new friends and this momma was on board!

We recently had a new ‘fun zone’ open in our town that has bowling, an arcade and laser tag all in one fun filled party. It’s a pretty cool place.

I remember thinking ‘what would be a good party favor for 12 year olds?’

How about the bowling, snacks, laser tag, and arcade money?

This was one of the first parties I have not had a party favor. It was completely unnecessary (yeah yeah as it may be for every party). One kid even left with 2 claw machine stuffed animals…I’m pretty sure they used all their arcade money trying to get that. You do you.

Painting Party

You can throw one of these yourself or hire a company to set up a painting party for you. If you choose to throw your own, I have added a few neat links below. I’m hoping my youngest wants a painting party some day!

With this party they have a super cute painting to take home and I bet you could resell those easels pretty easily if that’s something you would want to do.

Tie Dye Party

Who doesn’t enjoy tie dying?! However, if you’re anything like me you have no idea how to get the colors to be as vibrant as they’re supposed to be.

Do you have a tip? Please tell me in the comments below!!

For this party your ‘favor’ would be whatever you tie dye.

  • T-Shirt
  • Bandana
  • Hair Scrunchies
  • Canvas totes

So, What Do We Think

Parties are expensive. Even on a budget it all adds up. If you don’t have the budget for a party favor, skip it!

No one is going to blink an eye.

If you have some room in your budget and want to do something, skip the little bag of junk and go for something that won’t end up in the trash the minute they get home. Don’t waste your money!

I’m curious about things you have done over the years. Let us know in the comments some of the best party favors you have given or received.

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